Attorney Christopher O’Toole wins $3Million jury verdict against police for wrongful arrest!
On April 3, 2013, a West Pam Beach jury found that man was wrongfully arrested and that the alleged victim in the criminal case was malicious in accusing him.
Client said that Mr. O’Toole “saved my life” and was the only attorney who would take his case. The case began in 2001 when the victim, a young waitress accused man of robbing her at gun point in Boca Raton.

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1132 SE Third Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316
Miami Office
701 Brickell Avenue Suite #1550
Miami, FL 33131
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2385 NW Executive Center Drive
Suite 100 Boca Raton, FL 33431
Toll-Free 24/7: 1-855-58-JUSTICE
Palm Beach:561-962-3531